We're taking 2 days in Orlando before heading down to Miami for 5 days. We check into our holiday appartment and head out for some food at 10pm along the 192. We dont really know any decent places so after turning up at Golden Corral and leaving as it looked filthy dirty we go in Sizzlers and order a steak and salad bar. Huge mistake, the place was smelly, the food was extremely low quality and everything had a racid fatty taste. It was so late that we just ate up and went back to the appartment to sleep.
The next day we did the magic kingdom, even as an adult this place is pretty special. Saw the fireworks and electric light parade in the evening and spent the day in the park.
One interesting thing to pick up on was that Walt Disney never intended for the Florida Park to be a theme park. He bought the land in order to build an "Experimental Community of Tomorrow", he wanted to make a city which would also be something that people visited to get inspiration for taking new ideas back to their own communities.
Sadly Walt passed before any developement was agreed and the bean counters on the board got their way and built the theme park. It would be interesting to see what would have become of the place if Walt had got his way. In tomorrowland a real gem and a creation of Walt's is "the carousel of progress" - it follows progress through the 20th century and how technology has changed our lives.
There is also a mock up of Walts vision of how the Florida city would have looked on the "transporter" ride in tomorrowland.
A brilliant day out.
Nice looking lady you got there!